Trying to kick the habit? Don't try this at home kids!
This man tried to help himself quit smoking and it ended up back firing in his face... literally.
An electronic cigarette, otherwise known as e Cigarette, exploded in a Florida man's mouth taking out some of his front teeth, a chunk of his tongue and caused severe burn on his face because of a faulty battery.
The incident happened on Monday evening when his wife heard a bang from another room, which she described as sounding like a firecracker.
A North Bay Fire District spokesman said that the battery blew up in his face, knocking out all of his teeth as well as part of his tongue.
"e-Cigarettes may contain ingredients that are known to be toxic to humans, and may contain other ingredients that may not be safe,"the warning read.
"Additionally, these products may be attractive to young people and may lead kids to try other tobacco products, including conventional cigarettes, which are known to cause disease and lead to premature death."
Investigators are not sure at this time what brand of cigarette or the type of battery the victim used but said the battery was rechargeable lithium.