Just minutes after an indictment was released claiming that Birdman and Young Thug were involved in a conspiracy to kill Lil Wayne, Birdman's people released their own set of papers but these were to Jay-Z... and they want 50 MIL!
You may be asking yourself, how did Jay get involved in this whole Birdman/ Young Thug/ Weezy triangle? Jay-Z and his people made an agreement with Lil Wayne to stream his album "FWA" on Jay's new server, TIDAL, and in return Lil Wayne got to be a partner along side Jay. Well, Birdman's not feeling that; he wants HIS cut and it's getting UGLY...
TMZ --
The lawsuit, obtained by TMZ, gets nasty, with Cash Money claiming Jay Z's fledgling company is now resorting to "a desperate and illegal attempt to save their struggling streaming service."
According to the lawsuit, Tidal has claimed Cash Money does not have a exclusive lock on Wayne ... Tidal claims Wayne specifically gave it the right to stream his music, in return for part ownership in the company.
Cash Money begs to differ, and the company quotes portions of its contract with Lil Wayne in the lawsuit. The contract specifically says Wayne does not have the power to license his music to anyone else.
And get this ... Cash Money trashes Wayne's 'FWA' album, saying it got "tepid reviews" and could hurt Cash Money's attempts to exploit Wayne's music.
This Birdman/ Lil Wayne thing is getting crazy.
Lots of you have your own thoughts on all that's going on.
One fan says,
Birdman probably knows Uncle Sam is after his money for taxes. So he's looking for a quick pay day from Jay-ZAnother adds,
Wow, Birdman is trying to shut down Wayne's career completely. He has all the power. It looks like Wayne should have been the one pulling a driveby. At this point I think Wayne has a case for getting out of his contract since Birdman is using it to hurt him rather than help him. It's almost like he's enslaved.
And this commenter created his own theory on what he feels is the REAL story behind all of this,
Breakdown: birdman is jealous and bitter over the breakup. Lil Wayne did the breaking upJay z just wants to make more money
What do YOU think?