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Drake Reps For The Illuminati On "Take Care" Album Cover (PHOTO)

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Drake released the album cover for his highly anticipated sophomore LP, Take Care.

The cover is a bit controversial as Drake displays a gold Owl on the cover...which some would say symbolizes the secret society, the Illuminati. This is not the first time Drake has repped the owl or the "all seeing eye"...

BET Awards Randomness: Beyonce's Pyramid & Drake's Illuminati Initiation Shirt! (PHOTOS)

Along with the album cover, the Young Money star also released a few words for his fans. Read below:

Feels like it's been so long. Is life moving so fast in this generation that when we desire something it begins to move in slow motion? Are we just used to getting what we want right away? Or do we require one another to feel right about all that is going on around us? Maybe our anticipation is justified by the fact that we genuinely cannot wait to share a moment again? Either way, your life and mine are scheduled to meet on October 24...I wouldn't miss it for the world.

See you soon.


Take Care released November 15, 2012.


Drake Leaving Young Money?!

Jews Upset At Drake's Re-Bar Mitzvah In His New Music Video "HYFR" (VIDEO)

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    1. Ilumaniti is real

    2. Drake is definately illuminati. but i think he made a choice, to live happy on earth while your life span decreases, rather than having everlasting life in heaven. just because we're not illuminati and worshiping devils doesn't necessarily mean we've made a spot in heaven. i love drake, hes a brilliant artist.

    3. drake is thee best <3

    4. Welcome to brotherhood Illuminati where you can become
      rich famous and popular and your life story we be change
      totally my name is Dan Jerry I am here to share my
      testimony on how I join the great brotherhood Illuminati
      and my life story was change immediately . I was very poor
      no job and I has no money to even feed and take care of my
      family I was confuse in life I don’t know what to do I try all
      my possible best to get money but no one work out for me
      each day I share tears, I was just looking out my family no
      money to take care of them until one day I decided to join
      the great Illuminati , I come across them in the internet I
      never believe I said let me try I email them.all what they
      said we happen in my life just started it was like a dream to
      me they really change my story totally . They give me the
      sum of $1,200,000 and many thing. through the Illuminati I
      was able to become rich, and have many industry on my
      own and become famous and popular in my country , today
      me and my family is living happily and I am the most
      happiest man here is the opportunity for you to join the
      Illuminati and become rich and famous in life and be like
      other people and you life we be change totally.If you are
      interested in joining the great brotherhood Illuminati.then
      contact him +2348106618681 email:illuminatibrotherpowerful@ or you need my assistance

  2. To get into the illuminati you have to sacrifice something, something, someone important to you.... what did drake sacrifice.....his rap career.

    1. He sacrificed his knee. Dumbass..

    2. This is dumb omg y is dha devil doing this



    5. he sacrifices his uncle just put drake sacrifices his uncle in google and you will see it

  3. If your a true follower of Drake then you would know the owl is a symbol of his saying "OVO" or October's Very Own and the OVO looks like an an owl's eyes and nose.

    1. Lmaoif any of you knew anything you would know that one Illuminati entry level is called O.T.O. Order of T.o of O.v.(Hence O.v.O) Illuminati is real, if you want to get in the illuminati read the fucking bible. Illuminati is not an organization, its a fucking religion. Get with it. The OWL does in fact represent the Illuminati, as does a hexagram and so forth with Eye of Horus.,i:84,i:75

    2. Right! I hope it isnt bad ythough

      Are you a business man or an artist,Politicians and you want to become big, Powerful and famous in the world, join us to become one of our official member shall be given an ideal chance to visit the illuminati and his representative after registrations is completed by you, no sacrifice, or human life needed, Illuminati brotherhood brings along wealth and famous in life, you have a full access to eradicate poverty away from your life now. it only a member who is been initiated into the church of illuminati have the authority to bring any member to the church, so before you contact any body you must be link by who is already a member, Join us today and realize your dreams. we also help out our member in protection of drugs pushing, once you become a member you will be rich and famous for the rest of your life, illuminati make there member happy so i will want you all to also be a member of the illuminati Thanks contact email on ILLUMINATIFREEMERCY@GMAIL.COM or call +2347064294395

  4. I Agree ^^

  5. My friend is in the illuminati because she has a pet owl!


    1. what do dicks have to do with the illuminati?

    2. You gotta get done in the butt...duh!lmao

  7. Satan does not exist, neither does the anti christ, these are made up notions, aswell as illuminati, and 2012.

    1. Soo tel me, what does exsit then???

    2. There's no satan and there's no antichrist because there's no christ.The bible is a compilation of fables that were written by a buncha wise men a long time ago. They put their opinions and their morals in there hoping it would survive generations and be spread among society.

  8. Illuminati's real . But they probably dont plan on hurting us ! The rockafellers or whatever . want control and power. They plan on capturing these children first! They use music to get in young peoples head , and brainwash us. Then when they have us kids?: They will have the adults and conquer the world... The bible says that these days would come. They are here. Are you ready?

  9. "you hate the fact that you bought the dreamand they sold you one"

  10. We are not going to achieve a new world order without paying for it in blood as well as in words and money


  12. i am a big drake fan....and what a bunch of cunts you all are to think that drake isnt in the illuminati...the only how you get a record deal is to sell your you look at drakes video he always flashes the baphomet and 666 hands signals...that is how they get stop being a cunt and get educated about the illuminati..the owl is very satanic..and look at the cover his his left hand is over his right hand...similiar to tygas carelessworlds cover.

  13. i think that people are over exxagerating this illuminati thing. they are finding too many symbols in little things. if we think about it there is a symbol for everything in everyhting. for example if we look at the candle it is a long pole like a penis. does thatmean that drake is gay? NO. a lot of things in the picture are gold. does this mean that the vikings plan to turn simple metals into gold is working and they are coming back to send us all back into feudal state of living? NO. you can make symbols out of anything.

    1. Honestly I agree with this other reply you are uneducated on this shit and have no idea about what you are talking about. Yes, you can find symbols in anything but seriously there are way too many "symbols" in like mainstream music to even doubt this shit or call it a coincidence.

  14. i thought as much cus his new video hell yr ft lil wayne ws so obvious makin us 2 believe dat he s in d illuminati atleast i saw trey songz welcumin him 2 d brotherhood.surely he is.

  15. Let me just say this: Both sides of the argument are dumb. Firstly, for you guys who support the idea of the Illuminati existing, I agree with the concept of there being a group with a higher power than us normal civilians who want to control the world but most of you are just hopping on to the Illuminati bandwagon because everyone else is saying the same thing. Secondly, even if the Illuminati do exist, what are you going to do about it? You can type "killuminati" and accuse musicians all you want but that's not going to stop anything so I suggest you stop wasting your time and let God do the judging. Finally, for you people who say that there is no such thing as the "Illuminati" or some other powerful group, stop being so ignorant. There are clearly hidden messages in today's media. Yes, most of the "hidden messages" you read about on the internet are just complete nonsense that are what people WANT to see rather than what's actually there, but that doesn't mean that a group such as the "Illuminati" doesn't exist.
    Now, can all of you just chill?

  16. ^Amen #Bow . . .

  17. People, Drake aint an illuminati, he is a Jewish (according to wikipedia,)... The proof is the HYFR music video

  18. this is for the jew comment

    this is for the illuminati comments... illuminate your self

  19. So you know Drake well enough to be 100% sure of that? Or have you done the same as every other person here and made your interpretation from stuff on the internet like everybody else nowadays? How do you know what you read on the internet is true? Use your brain before you type. Oh and by the way it's 'common sense' not 'common since'. Now, can you just chill?

  20. guys i feel like being an illuminati membber so that i can be rich,powerful,celeb

  21. ! Alert! The olympics are going to Get bombed JULY 27th !

  22. quick question : are you drake ? , um no so why would it matter if he was christian muslim or anything he can't save you. he's not jesus so chill out. let him do him its getting him paid but i don't know about getting him saved . and i though he was jewish what happened to that.
    Thats why old people say never forget where you came from .

    Chill out

  23. Well to be honest I basically agree with everything that you just said but in my honest opinion i don't think that every rapper is a part of the illuminati. And also by the way i'm trying to become a rapper and I will never become such an evil little satanic slave hell bent on making my pockets fatter!!...Tympoent check me out on

  24. Its quite amazing how the world is blinded and decieved by satan to the point where the signs r right in their face and folks are still sayin no its nt true. What is it gone take forthe devil to personally appear and say yeah im running this for people to comprehend. Newsflash people wat you c and gt n the videos are real. These artist have really joined with satan and I dnt think tht all of them if any did it willingly, they were forced satan dont giv you a option. For believers and non believers illuminati is fruits from wt God consider the wild beast in the bible. As the time gt closer satan reveals hiself more and more and trys to bring as many people down with him as he can n wat better way to do it threw then music. I believe Drake and many other artist have been sworn into an agenda, tht doesnt reaaly mean they want to bt are left no other choice bt to destroy, devour, and mislead people. The only way out is Jehovah our God bt they wouldn know tht bcaus they hav been fully blindedded to think otherwise. All I cn say is may God bless them in there chose of bein greedy and physically rich rather then having something way better spiritual richness.

  25. i rlly dint want drake to b among i luv him dearly nd as im crying now ill always pray 4 u nd i do hope i meet him one day 2....leena

  26. Dam this ish real. As you know I don't feel like posting but for everyone to know. Know this, this is ALL real, No Lie. Research all you need, deep down theres truth in the falsest of rumors. As a music fein I can discard most of these negative mesgs in music today, but I really hoped to jump in the game. Young I would've been caught with my all my music idols. God let something happen to me to inhibit myself from using my desire and lust tryna make it in the industry. I've learned A LOT in the past year about Illuminati, the 1%, Rothchild, America ,Blood Sacrifices like this one coming up in London soon. Shit is all in the media excuse my French, movies, cartoons, t.v etc. Deception is Lucy's biggest tool aiding him to take people's souls. I can go on forever but to end this off. If you are reading this good, I will not Bullshit you.

    ***Illuminati is real. They plan and will succeed in "population reduction", fate of the world is written already don't think you can save it. World is F'd up. Drizzy my fav rapper. "Pay me in gold" M4Life. Economic meltdown is coming, loss of you're rights is eminent. One world Order is inevitable. Invest that worthless paper you call money in gold or silver, something of REAL value.

    Niggas just pray, read up on this shit, Youtube and Google and tell ur friends too. Unfortunately mine won't listen. Don't make his mistake I haven't given up on him yet. Shit bout to get real in this world, over 50k total world authorities in London hidden ready to make the city a living hell and America will be a prison too. (*The Beast) machine. *The chip. Gods the only way. I'm really busy but, reply on here if u got questions, I'm here for even 1 person, cause soon there will be an extermination of us. And btw for kicks and giggle I'm only 18, No Lie No Lie No eee-i-eee-i d-_-b <3

    1. okay what can someone do to become da illuminathi..cause people of todays worldwd do anythng to get what dey want..INCLUDING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

  27. FEMA Camps been building plastic, gray graves for dead bodies for YEARS!!! "They don't really care about us." Sorry I ain't bring links, but time is sooo short now. Too much info I know and wanna share, really hit me up, and don't take me by my age. Shit makes me so mad about the evil in the world.

    Biggest tip if we never talk again... Don't buy into the system, don't give in to the chip, when they ask you.. and trust me they will in one way or discretely in another, choose death over life if ur stuck after the rapture/tribulation/ whatever, its Hell on Earth

    God Bless, Jesus Saves

  28. to become a rapper u have to sign a contract saying that u will pray the devil and if u dont ur music wont go any where. Also if u dont sign it for some reason the government will shut u down and will remove everysong of urs and wont let anyone litsen to them.

  29. Ha thats retarded there are plenty of rappers that are not being controlled by the illuminati, in fact there are some popular ass rappers that talk out against it. Ever herd of immortal technique or brother ali, vheck it out!!

  30. The time is very close

  31. National ID Cards Jan 15th, 2013, that's me up there ^

  32. Fuck wut u heard... He is da best rapper right now nd way better than jay z. Jay z is a fake thug always reppin marcy projects. He once sold a couple of bundles nd thought he wuz gansta.. he got scared straight. He wuz a good kid jus living in da projects.

  33. lol you people think you know errthng bout da illuminathi. well sorry you dont,yallz ppl thnk dat if someone makes money and raps and is super famous u suddenly thnk dey illuminathi...honestly..#rolling eys# cut these guys sum slack yall..dont h8!!dey good at what dey do..and if drake is or isnt illuminathi,,i love and worship him either way..!!!!




  35. Illuminati families are said to be descendants of the Nephilim, the fallen Godsons who are also told about in the bible. This is also the reason why alot of prominent families arrange marriages for their children within a certain circle of powerfull families (those who have high ranks within the illuminati). They want to keep their blood ''pure''.
    Now I dont say these are really descendents of godsons or aliens or whatever they are. What I am trying to say the illuminati really excists. Why do you see triangles hidden in all kind of musicclips? Why are there everywhere in videoclips bullshorns hidden? Why would someone add such a little detail, if it wasnt for a reason?
    Do some reasoning and search on the internet, and you will find out yourself.
    My apologies for bad english

    Dont know about drake tough, havent really looked alot to his clips. From what Ive seen not alot weird stuff but the owl is odd... Still he has cool music. and that sucks with some artist. they have awesome music but I cant listen to i with a good feeling cuz I know they are illuminatie-members (like skrillex, I liked it for a little while, pretty good dubstep, but then I discovered he is a damn big illuminati guy... triangles and bullshorn and demons all over his music n albums n clips... couldnt enjoy it anymore...)

    And again, sorry for bad english

  36. Actually they are in the illuminati group do reasearch and you will find out duahh.

  37. Now when it cum an hunt yhu down don't say nun

  38. yea it doesn't matter what your doing. The people that are in the illuminati sell their soul to the devil. duh. thats what the whole point is. there are stupid people who have desires to be rich and famous or pretty much anything they wish for on earth will be granted only if you sell your soul to the devil. and then eventually you will pretty much be a zombie with a demon controlling you. you wont be happy like you thought you would, ect. That is the point. they worship lucifer they dont call him the devil. all he wants is your soul. its been like this since the beginning. read a bible.

  39. I'm in the marines, just letting Yall know something inevitable is coming!! not the end of the world but bad things will happen. let's just say what I know from the bible this is called revelations ! God bless all and be ready cause illuminatis are taking over just saying god is the way god is the answer ! Don't deny your belief in him cause I guarantee that when the day comes you will be tested on a matter of faith god bless all !!

  40. I love drake.. We are secretly married and have 4 kids >.< but I actually believe drake is not involved with the illuminati as there is not much evidence in his songs or anything. And he cherishes his life and so maybe this is controversial but drake is not illuminati

  41. The Illuminati is real! No one is "hating" on these artist they made their choice This is about the artists using their talent for evil in return for fame success and beauty. They are used to brain wash people to sin by promoting sex and violence. don't you see how the world is going. girls think its cool to be treated as sex objects. To be called out of their names to be disrespect.guys think it is cool to be gangster to sell drug that kill people and people kill over. They think all that matters is money fame and drugs. this is all to pull the human race further for God. the devil wants as many people as he can get to rot in hell with him. If you think about how much sin is out there now and how each generation learns less and less about the bible it will make sense. I just pray and ask for forgiveness also realize the evil around you and stay as far awAy from it as possible and as close to the Lord as you can. the time is upon US so you also have a choice!

  42. If Drake is n illuminati(which he is not) wat can u do about it instead of post your little comments of how much of a devil worshiper he is.If u don't like him that much then do something about it

  43. People these days are gushing over a devil worshipper? Don't they realize who he is? Soonner or later, they'll turn illuminati also because they're soo obsessed with that dog

  44. "you can't put anything on the internet that isn't true"...
    So you people think EVERYTHING you google is 100% accurate? omg get a life. So many people have different perceptions of the illuminati for one reason: they are researching it from a person just as them self who has no facts and is basing their belief by pure OPINION.

    Not everything on the internet in truth. And if you decide to listen to all of this you're just as ignorant. Illuminati was founded in 1776... So how could that be in the bible: one. And the people who believe that "don't know exactly what the secret society did". So put that in your juice box and suck it;)

  45. Why argue with the stupid? the ignorant? obviously it exists.. illuminati does exist duh, its everywhere in the media AND music. We aren't going to stop listening to the music though. even if we tried i don't believe we could. So let it go, and worry about your soul. Do you plan on giving it to the devil? - I don't so, I don't care. Shit let the stupid asses give up their souls for wealth. I'll be here enjoying the show, listening to the music, and still loving GOD. they can love the devil as long as they're not around me doing it, why should I care? It doesn't affect me.

  46. Illuminati artists all sell sex,money nd drugs in return for worldly gain (aka MONEY). The devils uses them like pawns in a chess game. The illuminati is a part of the devils plot to corrupt and damn every man to hell along with him

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    Are you a business man or an artist,Politicians and you want to become big, Powerful and famous in the world, join us to become one of our official member shall be given an ideal chance to visit the illuminati and his representative after registrations is completed by you, no sacrifice, or human life needed, Illuminati brotherhood brings along wealth and famous in life, you have a full access to eradicate poverty away from your life now. it only a member who is been initiated into the church of illuminati have the authority to bring any member to the church, so before you contact any body you must be link by who is already a member, Join us today and realize your dreams. we also help out our member in protection of drugs pushing, once you become a member you will be rich and famous for the rest of your life, illuminati make there member happy so i will want you all to also be a member of the illuminati Thanks contact email on ILLUMINATIFREEMERCY@GMAIL.COM or call +2347064294395

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    each day I share tears, I was just looking out my family no
    money to take care of them until one day I decided to join
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    never believe I said let me try I email them.all what they
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    me and my family is living happily and I am the most
    happiest man here is the opportunity for you to join the
    Illuminati and become rich and famous in life and be like
    other people and you life we be change totally.If you are
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    I am a very happy person today because i am now a full and bona-fide member of the great ILLUMINATI. I want to quickly Say a big thanks to Brother James Watt the agent of the brotherhood who introduced me to becoming a member of the great Brotherhood brothers and sisters here is my story. I was told by a friend that to become a member of the brotherhood is Very difficult, so i was thinking that i can never get the right link to join because i was scammed by three people whom i meant on the Internet and they promised to help me join but they never did. They collected my money and i was never initiated into the brotherhood. Until i was introduced to Brother James Watt and he told me the truth that those in USA Don’t pay any money from their pocket to become a member of the Illuminati, and i am an American. so i was very Interested i called the temple messenger number i was given it was +1(617)663-8926 when i called, the temple messenger Told me what i need to do, i did it and i was initiated i did not pay a dine from my money to become a member. But i was told that those living outside USA may have to do certain things for the purchase of their initiation materials. But those living within the square of USA don't pay a dine. I followed all instructions and after my initiation, I was given all the benefit of becoming a member. As i talk to you am very okay and my future have been settled. I am well protected and i am wealthy and famous. Please if you wish to become a member of the great Illuminati contact Agent Brother James Watt on the Devil Church, ( or those in the USA can call or text directly the Temple messenger on +1(617)663-8926. Those in other countries outside the USA can contact the international agent on call Or WhatsApp +2348166739726. And generally anyone who wishes to become a real member can send email to ( Become a member today and enjoy the benefit of life.

  61. (WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF THE ILLUMINATI). Are you a POLITICIAN, ENGINEER,DOCTOR, ENTERTAINER,MODEL,GRADUATE/ STUDENT,OR YOU HAVE IT IN MIND TO EXPAND YOUR BUSINESS/COMPANIES TO BECOME GREAT MINDS. It is pertinent to also know that For becoming a member, you earn the sum of $1,000,000 as the illuminati membership salary monthly.Be a part of this GOLDEN “OPPORTUNITY” The great illuminati Organization makes you rich and famous in the world, it will puxll you out from the grass root and take you to a greater height were you have long aspired to be and together we shall rule the world with the great and mighty power of the Illuminati, long life and prosperity here on earth with eternal life and jubilation. You can reach Us on Or whatsapp +2349064844957

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