First the stock market, now the constitution? Is Facebook taking over the world?
Here's another question.... Do you think the First Amendment should protect you from liking the "wrong" person on Facebook? That’s the argument going on in a federal court, after a judge said a sheriff had the right to fire his employees for liking his opponent’s Facebook campaign page.
The case of Bland v Roberts has picked up steam since April, when U.S. District Judge Raymond A. Jackson ruled against the six former employees of the sheriff, B.J. Roberts.
In April, a federal judge ruled that a person clicking a Facebook like button doesn’t have First Amendment protection, because no words are associated with clicking the like button.
said Judge Raymond Jackson in April, who serves in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia.
“Simply liking a Facebook page … is not the kind of substantive statement that has previously warranted constitutional protection,”
Since then, the American Civil Liberties Union has become involved in the case, and Facebook filed its amicus curiae legal brief on Monday.
Facebook’s brief states that Jackson, 62, just doesn’t understand the world of social media. It also cites the First Amendment 23 times in the 26-page brief.
Facebook said in its brief.
“The district court reached a contrary conclusion based on an apparent misunderstanding of the way Facebook works; the resulting decision clashes with decades of precedent and bedrock First Amendment principles,”
Do YOU think Facebook should be added to the 1st Amendment?