His new music video, featured below, allows viewers to see inside his ‘re-Bar Mitzvah’, held last fall. However, members of Temple Israel in Miami, the synagogue where the video was filmed, are less than pleased with its lyrical content.
“And even though the song’s lyrics are decidedly more profane than sacred, the Reform synagogue’s president said he hoped the video would help Jewish youth connect to Judaism.”Drake says, he's proud to be Jewish tugh,
"I'm proud. A proud young Jewish boy. When I had a Bar Mitzvah back in the day, my mom really didn't have that much money. We kinda just did it in the basement of an Italian restaurant, which I guess is kinda like a faux pas," Drake told Cash Money videographer Derrick G on the video's Miami set. "I told myself that if I ever got rich, I'd throw myself a re-Bar Mitzvah. That's the concept for the video."
What do you think about Drake's new video?
In case you were under a rock, recently Nicki Minaj too brought religion into her Grammys performance which caused a major controversy...
Nicki Minaj's Satanic Grammys Performance 2012: Catholic League & Nicki Fire Back!