An insider at the radio station tells some info that we have all be thinking.
TI more likely than not FAKED the suicide attempt in Atlanta earlier this week.
Here's what we know thus far. A source who WORKS at the V-103 radio station who suspects that something is FISHY. The insider explained, "There was a buzz around the station early on in the day. We all knew something was going to happen, and all of a sudden - the suicide jumper happens."
The insider continues, "But what makes it even more crazy is that NO ONE without access can get inside the building, let alone the roof. Unless
someone from the radio station called down and let them up."
So . . . V-103 radio station was askd to ask whether they had
ANYTHING to do with allowing the "jumper" into the building. They had NO COMMENT.
Hmmmm.....Well, if TI was part of an ELABORATE HOAX . . . he may have just bought himself even MORE jail time. Because according to Georgia Law, being involved in a conspiracy to FAKE a suicide attempt gets you UP TO ONE YEAR IN JAIL!!!
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