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Beyonce Opens Up Beauty School In NY: "Beyonce Cosmetology Center" [Photos Included]

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On Friday, Beyonce spoke in downtown Brooklyn, New York, at the Phoenix House, a nonprofit rehabilitation center for drug and alcohol addiction, unveiling a project she and her mother, Tina, have worked on for years: the Beyonce Cosmetology Center.

The program is a “seven month cosmetology training course for adult men and women,” according to the press release. L’Oreal donated all of the products to be used at the facility. Beyonce is a spokewoman for the brand, and she and her mother have pledged to donate $100,000 annually to the center.

(Lol, is it me or Bloomberg looks scared to touch Bey here? He's either scarred of Jay-Z or his wife hahha)

After remarks from New York’s mayor, Michael Bloomberg, Beyonce spoke at the podium about her ties to the foundation and hopes for it’s future. She first visited the Phoenix House in 2007 on preparation for her role as Etta James in Cadillac Records.

Phoenix House does provide co-ed vocational work, but Beyonce stated that she
“felt that they needed something that was geared towards women — something that would teach them skills that would give them hope even after the Phoenix House,"
she explained.

Another influence for the Knowles women to open the beauty school is because of their background in cosmetology. Her mother owned and operated a beauty salon
in her hometown of Houston, Texas.

"I saw that a salon was a place for women to socialize, share stories, cry, laugh and get advice,"
she added about her experiences growing up around a beauty parlor.
"Most importantly, I saw the joy it brought my mother, knowing she was a part of their transformation."

After cutting the ceremonial ribbon
to officially open the facility, Beyonce ended the celebration saying,
"It’s a very proud day for my mother.”

She even cuffs her hand so no one can see under her dress. She's learned it all, and so perfectly done right lol ....We are going to start calling her "Perfect Beyonce" because that's what she is! loll Or at least they make her like that.

PS...I love Beyonce lol

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