Kelly Clarkson actually sang her song LIVE yesterday at the Presidential Inauguration, while Beyonce used a background track during her National Anthem. A …
READ MOREWatch our President Obama give an outstanding speech to accept his Presidential nomination for 2012! …
READ MOREPresident Obama warns us that the nation's middle class is at high risk and argues th…
READ MOREThis past week was a busy one for the White House. Besides the big announcement that Osama Bin Laden was killed , after a 2 year battle and Donald Trump making…
READ MOREGeorge W. Bush, promoting his memoir that hit store shelves Tuesday, pronounced himself "through with politics" and defended his decisions as preside…
READ MOREThe Biebs talks about visiting the White House, meeting the President and how he mispronounced his name. "The first time I met him was a couple months bac…
READ MOREPresident Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama are set to appear for the second time on American Idol's celebrity-filled charity special Idol Gives B…
READ MOREDiddy shared that he has a dream to get in The White House - as an adopted child of the president. He shares some interesting thoughts in an upcoming intervie…
READ MOREVideo above: The National Equality March in Washington, DC Sunday, Lady Gaga shouted to President Obama demanding change and equal rights. She also took a sw…
READ MOREObama was recorded talking about the Kanye West incident in an "off-the-record" conversation. So really this is not ethically right to put out....…
READ MOREJay-Z "Blueprint 3" is out TODAY! He spoke on HOT97 this morning on a few different topics. Especially, T-pain dissing him a few days ago! Jay says, …
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