Everyone has been talking about Beyonce's Lip- Syncing Nation Anthem performance at President Obama's Inauguration and she is finally speaking out about it.
Earlier this week, she released a photo that spoke for her, but this time we heard straight from the singers mouth.
Beyonce started her Super Bowl 2013 press conference today by none other than singing the National Anthem... a capella at that. Then finishing with the words,
"Any questions?.. Haha"
Then she fessed up about her lip-syncing.
""Well, I am a perfectionist and, one thing about me, I practice until my feet bleed. I did not have time to rehearse with the orchestra. It was a live television show and a very very important emotional show for me, one of my proudest moments. Due to the weather, due to the delay, due to no proper sound check, I did not feel comfortable taking a risk. It was about the President and the Inauguration, and I wanted to make him and my country proud. So I decided to sing along with my pre-recorded track, which is very common in the music industry and I'm very proud of my performance."
She also spoke on whether or not a Destiny's Child reunion will be happening during her Super Bowl halftime show...
"I can't really give you any details. I'm sorry."
Beyonce did confirm thought, that she WILL be singing live this time.
But why isn't she getting paid???
From the time of the Super Bowl I halftime show, when the University of Arizona and the University of Michigan marching bands performed, the NFL has not paid performers an appearance fee. This tradition has been maintained even though the marching band shows of the 1960s and 1970s have since been replaced by world-famous acts like the Rolling Stones, The Who, and now Beyonce.
Why would artists donate time and energy to help a television network keep the football audience in front of their TVs for several extra rounds of high-priced commercials? According to The Who frontman Roger Daltrey, the Super Bowl is an opportunity for increased exposure, even for a band that’s already sold 100 million records.
“You can be touring like we have for 50 years, and there’s billions of people who have still never heard of you,”
Daltrey says.
“That’s the nature of the media these days.”