As we know, MJ didn't want his childen getting into the currupt world of entertainment but his daughter Paris says she's ready to do it on her own.. even if no one in her family supports her...
"A lot of people don't want me to do it, but Aunt La Toya believes in me,"Paris told the October issue of Glamour magazine.
"She heard me play a little guitar and sing, and she started clapping, 'Oh my
God, oh my God.' She really does encourage me; it's just awesome of her."
Although, Paris is known being one of the biggest entertainers to ever live's daughter, she tells the magazine...
"I love my dad, and I'm proud to be his daughter.....I just don't think the title 'M.J.'s daughter' fits me. A lot of people think he's the only reason I'm making it, but I want to show that I do have talent and that I can make it if I try. I want to be my own person."
Despite most of her family's issues... even getting into allegedly phyical arguments with Janet Jackson... Paris Jackson will be starring in the 2012 film, Lundon's Bridge and the Three Keys.