Missed Scrappy putting his "paws" on Stevie J? Find out what Scrappy says REALLY happened...
Rapper Lil' Scrappy confronts the most hated character on the show, Stevie J, about cussing out his baby's mother Erica.... his side chick, Joseline, gets involved and causes the situation to really heat up.
Even though Scrappy had Stevie stumbling, he vented on Twitter...claimingt VH1 edited out a lot...
Wow so they edit me whoopin dat ass an @iamericadixon
I whoopped that ass an that poosy knw it an that wasn't tha next day cus dem lames went to the hospital believe it
Wow I put paws on this nicca n yall seen him fucked up stumbblin n yall still wanna say bs #purehate
Fuck that its real shit my Paw game nice they just didn't show yall the real but its coo they knw they seened that hospital,lol #PAWLIFE
Sources say Scrappy and his lawyers allegedly asked producers to remove anything that could get him violated by parole and they did.
Watch the fight shown on VH1 below: