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"TALK OF THE WEEK": Man-Eating Zombies In Miami?

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What in the world!?

Yup, it's been one of THOSE weeks... all everyone kept talking to us about this week was the man in Miami who ate another man's face along side of a highway ramp!


Listen to the "Talk of the Week"below:

Eugene, who was nude at the time, leapt on the sleeping homeless Poppo, tearing off his clothes and eating away most of his face before being shot to death by cops. Even then, reports say Eugene kept eating until his own death.

Now what the heck caused this? It's believed Eugene had been taking LSD or a drug called bath salts, that is known to cause violent reactions.

Although Eugene's mother has maintained that her son was a "good kid" and no "zombie".....friends say he was "battling the devil."

This is not the 1st time we have heard of this. Lady T spoke with Emmy Award Winning Hip-Hop movie Directer, Peter Spirer about a rapper who is currently incarcerated for EATING his girlfriend...

Rhyme & Punishment: Find Out If Hip-Hop Cops Are Real!

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