Say what you want about Casey Anthony but from the looks of it she is lounging back in an exclusive 5-bedroom, $5.2 million Ranch!
Anthony was sighted around Solana Beach or Rancho Santa Fe late last week. Speculation arose she was at the house of Todd Edward Macaluso Sr, 48, one of her defense attorneys.

"The residence apparently was on the market for a while but didn't sell and now she's staying there with two body guards. There is a helipad on the property. While Todd has denied that she is there, neighbors have reported seeing and hearing her,"Olsen said.
The home: The 5-bedroom, 5 1/2-bath, Spanish-style home was built in 2005, according to real estate records. Complete with helipad & is within the ultra-exclusive Rancho Santa Fe Covenant. listed at $5.2 million.
Casey's really getting around, she was also recently spotted in Ohio shopping at Old Navy. She was supposed to be heading back to Orlando for probation (which her lawyers claim she already served) that is still pending.
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