RiRi poses for some sexy pics in next week's issue of Brish GQ and discusses the Chris Brown incident.
“Sometimes when you’re on the inside of a relationship like that, you can’t see it clearly for what it is. “I left – it was the best feeling. It was so freeing.”
But the Barbados-born beauty struggles with past decisions, especially after swearing never to let a man touch her after seeing her mum Monica suffer domestic violence.
She confessed: “I witnessed it happening to my mum and I said I would never let that happen to me – and then it was happening. “Now, when I look back, it bugs me out that I couldn’t see it for what it was.”
R&B singer Brown, 21, attacked Rihanna in his car in Los Angeles. He was sentenced to five years probation, a year-long domestic violence programme and 180 days of community service.
She added: “Before that, I was just a little girl from the island, singing pop music. It was easy to think I didn’t have a problem in the world. Then all of a sudden, boom! Everybody realises that I do have problems.”
But Rihanna says that dark period is finally behind her, adding: “It made me strong. It’s a moment in my life I wish would disappear.
“In my head, it’s gone.”
In an interview for the January edition of style mag GQ, chart- topper Rihanna asked for her fans not to pity her. “I have too much pride,” she admitted. “I’d never let anyone see me cry. I don’t want you to remember me for that.”
Rihanna, whose latest album Loud is No2 in the UK charts, also thinks her sexy image may annoy people.
She said: “Girls don’t like to see other girls dressed sexy. I get that. People see my ass out and my boobs out, so it can get a little irritating.”

When a snippet of her interview, in which she talks about leaving Brown, hit the internet this morning, a fan tweeted to Rihanna, saying she thinks it’s time the star stopped talking about the incident. “AGREED!” Rihanna replied.
“People won’t stop askin abt it! Its f*ckin annoying! Nobody wants to relive that, but some ppl can’t respect that!”Rihanna continued.
“I get it, they wanna raise awareness to young girls,”
“But it ends up just makin me look bitter, pitiful, spiteful and angry!”
Rihanna, who is promoting her latest album, Loud, told GQ,
“Sometimes when you’re on the inside of a relationship like that, you can’t see it clearly for what it is… I left – it was the best feeling. It was so freeing.”