Stories have been coming out about the girl who voiced Dora on "Dora the Explorer" and how she is claiming to be cheated out of her money. She says was paid roughly $300,000 for all of her three years on the show -- the same rate she agreed to when she signed her original contract back in 2007. But the show has made millions off of the show and merchandise.
According to our spies inside Nickelodeon, Caitlin Sanchez raked in approximately $1,250 an hour for her work on the popular children's TV show -- and still has untold amounts of cash in the pipeline from merchandise royalties and residuals from reruns.
But as reported, 14-year-old Sanchez claims her salary just doesn't cut it -- insisting she was unfairly pressured into accepting the deal and subsequently lost out on the millions she thinks she's worth.
Sanchez sued Nickelodeon, MTV and Viacom Consumer Products in New York County Court.
Sanchez claims that her agent Jason Bercy, from Cunningham-Escott-Slevin-Doherty Talent Agency (CESD), sent her mother a final contract less than a half-hour before the signing deadline. Neither Bercy nor CESD are named as defendants in the 38-page complaint.
Sanchez claims that Bercy told her mother, Hilda, that "Nickelodeon would pay Caitlin $5,115 per episode, which would be for up to four hours of recording, plus far more substantial compensation in the form of residuals and merchandising."
Sanchez says Bercy told them, "The key compensation to Caitlin would be in residuals and merchandise, since the Dora Brand re-runs episodes at least two dozen times a week and has made in the billions of dollars, a percentage of which, albeit a small one, would be compensation to Caitlin because of her product recordings and promotion of the Dora Brand."
He told Sanchez's mother that if they did not sign that day, Nickelodeon would "pass on Caitlin for the part of Dora," according to the complaint.
"Despite high pressure that Nickelodeon, Bercy, and CESD were putting on the family, Hilda began to question some of the provisions of the contract that she only had an opportunity to briefly skim, and asked if the family could have more time to review it," the complaint states. "Bercy told Hilda that the contract was 'fine,' and that she and her family should 'just sign it.' When she asked about seeking the advice of an attorney, he further advised her that there was 'no time' to have a lawyer review the contract because Nickelodeon 'wanted everything signed right away.' Bercy said that there was no need to have anyone look it over because he 'regularly negotiates contracts just like this' with Nickelodeon.
Should Caitlin sue Nickelodeon?