MICHAEL JACKSON's personal doctor, will finally be charged in JACKSON' s death on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8th, reports PEOPLE MAGAZINE. Unconfirmed reports have MURRAY being charged with involuntary manslaughter, which carries a maximum penalty of four years in prison.
Sources told PEOPLE that the reason for the delay in formal charges was due to infighting between the police and prosecutors. The LAPD wants MURRAY to be brought to a courthouse in handcuffs; prosecutors don't believe that's necessary, as MURRAY has no criminal record.
The news comes as MURRAY and his frustrated legal team planned to surrender at a LOS ANGELES courthouse. "We know he's going to be charged with involuntary manslaughter and we are ready with a counterargument," MIRANDA SEVCIK, spokeswoman for MURRAY's legal team, said. "He's not guilty -- that's our argument."
......4 years? smh