Q-Tip recently spoke on the controversy, which include death threats, surrounding 50 Cent's upcoming Family Day celebration in his hometown Queens, New York.
Q-Tip thinks 50 should be allowed to perform for fans.
Tip also addressed his issues with New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg.
"He not right for the spirit of the city," Tip said in an interview. "50 Cent is a success story we all should applaud. However you feel about him, you can't deny him. He had something going on in his old neighborhood -- our old neighborhood, because I grew up there too. He wanted to perform there. He can have the benefit but he can't perform...I think that's a shot to morale...It's a shot to somebody's morale, who's 15 or 16 years old. That's an impressionable soul who sees 50 Cent, how he's not able to see him perform in a way. I think the [city's officials] are aware, but they think [50's] performance may cause rabble-rousing, or get people to act out. That's just an old way of thinking about folk, especially black folk. That's what it all boils down to, essentially."
Bloomberg released a statement earlier this month announcing 50's withdrawal from possibly performing.
"Our understanding after talking with 50 Cent is he has no plans to perform whatsoever. He might go, but he's not going to perform," Mayor Bloomberg said in an interview.