Sources say the video shows Ryan Jenkins leaving the hotel for good last Friday morning, although he never went to the front desk to check out. The video shows Jenkins leaving with his luggage, but Fiore does not leave with him -- she is never seen leaving at all.
The hotel -- L'Auberge Del Mar near San Diego -- was searched twice this week by Buena Park detectives. We're told the room in which Jenkins and Fiore stayed had no evidence of blood, and it appears she was mutilated elsewhere before her body -- stuffed in a suitcase -- was deposited in a dumpster in Buena Park, CA. There were no teeth or fingers found on the body.
We're also told the smoking gun is the suitcase in which the body was found. Sources say one of the suitcases Jenkins left with resembles the suitcase in which Fiore's body was stuffed.
The white Mercedes Jenkins drove off in has not been found. Our sources say cops believe Jenkins may have murdered Fiore in the hotel room, and then mutilated the body after he left.
Fiore's cell phone also has not been found. As we first reported, Fiore had text messaged former boyfriend Robert Hasman numerous times Thursday night and early Friday morning, saying she wanted to travel to Las Vegas to see him.
And in a CRAZZZY twist Hasman got a text message last Friday night from Fiore's phone, which said "suck it." It appears that message was sent long after Fiore was dead.
Law enforcement sources say they believe Jenkins acted alone.
One of Ryan's Co-Stars on Vh1, "Punisher" comments...
from @getpunished:
It's a sad moment for Ms. Fiore's family. I didn't know Ryan, well. One thing...he was not true. Didn't have good vibe. He was kicked off.